Tuesday, March 31, 2009



We have accepted Violence as a way of life. Today… our whole society is built around it. It has become our Culture… and our Tradition. We have learned to accept it… and justify it. We have been conditioned to it from an early age… and now… our Daily Life embraces… and participates… in its destructive movement. Violence is deeply ingrained in us… down to our very core… and has become the very Essence of who we are.

We have accepted War… the routine killing of other human beings… as “natural” and necessary. We see Violence as the correct answer… the proper response… to all our problems and disagreements. Furthermore… our confused and corrupt society justifies and defends this destructive way of living.

Our movies depict… over and over again… how our hero defeats the “bad guy” using force and brutality. He ultimately meets their Violence… with even greater Violence… and we applaud the bloody victory. Violence is the only way we know.

We are Violent and competitive in our dealings with others and aggressive with our words. Our anger and intent to dominate… to subdue… harm… or defeat another is also an outcome of the Violence we carry within us.

We see everything as a battle… that we must win… or lose. Our whole aim is to Dominate in whatever we do. We MUST WIN! … Otherwise… we are a “loser”. We know no other way.

Accordingly… we approach Nature with the very same state of mind. We approach it… not with respect… but with the intent to subdue and Dominate. We approach the Whole of Nature… with the slash of iron and the hand of Violence. We do not look upon Nature’s Intelligence and Harmony as something immensely Sacred. Instead… we look through the filter of Self-interest. We look only for our own benefit and advantage. Furthermore… once in our sights… we become diligent and ruthless to secure this benefit and advantage… for ourselves!

We meet Nature… as a patriarch… an emperor… a deity. Our relationship with her is based on Dominance… and not service. With Violence at our center… we can have no proper relationship with Nature. We cannot be of service to the Whole… when we are at war with all of the parts.

Until we can subdue the Violence… which resides in each of us… we must remain at odds with the Harmony of Gaia and her interconnected ecosystems. Furthermore… we must then remain in conflict with all other human beings.

Violence is NOT an inescapable part of human nature. It is always a CHOICE that we all possess. If we look deeply into our own consciousness… we can see that we could be friendly… co-operative… and loving as easily as we are selfish and aggressive. The CHOICE is up to us… up to each and every one of us.

Right Consciousness… is all-important. To have Peace and Harmony in the OUTER world… we must first have it in the INNER. If it is there at our very core… in the inner workings of our own particular consciousness… then we can make the co-operative… the loving… the compassionate choice. And… most importantly… WE are the only ones that can put it there.

Is it possible to eliminate the Violence within us… the Violence that is controlling our destructive behavior? Let us see.

First we must see… as a Fact… and ACKNOWLEDGE… that we ARE Violent. For… we can only change “What is”… and can NEVER change… “What is not”… which is only a fantasy of imagination.

If we are Violent… yet claim to be Compassionate… we are living a lie. We have created for ourselves a satisfying illusion… a pleasing image of ourselves… to replace the Truth of what we are. Then the Truth becomes covered over. Our Violence is denied. We become hypocrites… and learn to befriend the lie.

To perceive the Violence that is within us… is a major insight. Most do not even notice it… let alone acknowledge it. After all… we have been conditioned to Violence our entire lives… in innumerable ways. Our Society incessantly tells us… Violence is “natural”… it is just the way it is! Furthermore… all of those around us… including our leaders… and even the one they would have us call “God”… all condone it!!

Thus, Violence is explained away. It is justified by our Authorities… encouraged by the media… and defended by God!

How does Violence originate? It comes about when we lose sight of the Sacred Whole… when we fail to see that we are an essential part of the Sacred Harmony. Violence comes about when we then substitute the ultimate importance and superiority of the “Me” over all-else.

When we no longer see the Sacred Whole… all we have left … are the separate fragments. The seemingly only logical purpose that life then holds for us is to elevate our fragment… our “Me”… over all the others. In this way… Self-interest then necessarily becomes the only logical choice… the prime motivation… and the center of all movement.

We are so entrenched in the ways of Violence… that we fail to see the Truth… the very Truth of Violence. We fail to see that… Violence begets Violence. We fail to Understand that… what is brought about by Violence… must be maintained by Violence!

The fact that the Violence of war is the officially accepted means to bring about Peace reflects our deep conditioning to this illogical behavior.

“One cannot come to a right end through a wrong means” - J. Krishnamurti

Violence can only create more Violence. Violence can never bring about Peace. The mind that accepts Violence… IS Violence… and can never bring about a state of NONVIOLENCE.

Violence and the “Me” belong to the same destructive movement… the movement of Division. This movement is completely False and disruptive. It is a LIE… and cannot coexist with Truth… or the Harmony of the Sacred Whole. Violence and Compassion cannot coexist. Thus… we are clearly then… either in the one stream or the other.

Consequently… the “Me” can NEVER come to Compassion… or to Truth. For… they only exist… in the other stream! Hence… within the False… there can only be conflict… and Violence. Within THAT stream… there is no other way. Within the stream of the False… Violence is all there is. Conflict and Violence are part of the very fabric… the very structure… of the False. Consequently… through THAT filter… through those eyes… it indeed ALL appears to be “natural”.

Only in Silence… only in the negation of the “Me”… is there Truth… Harmony… and Intelligence. Only in the movement of Harmony… only in THAT stream… is there the absence of Violence in the human consciousness. Once there is the negation of Violence… then a whole new consciousness comes into being… where Intelligence reigns. And… where Love… becomes the inherent and natural source of Intelligence.

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